
Eternity. Сeramics, concrete,16x10x90cm

In Andersen's children's fairy tale, the Snow Queen kidnapped Kai from his family. The evil witch bewitched the boy, but promised that if he collected the word “ETERNITY” from a thousand pieces of ice, he could again become free from her charms, "his own master" and therefore return to his family. So I, being at the will of external circumstances, away from my family, do everything possible to break the evil spell and return everything to normal. I'm collecting the word Eternity. But I can't find a few pieces. Sometimes I'm afraid they're lost forever.

Eternity. Сeramics, concrete,16x10x90cm
Eternity. Сeramics, concrete,16x10x90cm
Eternity. Сeramics, concrete,16x10x90cm